Here are the problems associated with oversized air conditioners: You should never simply buy the biggest AC unit possible, or you could end up with an oversized system. But when it comes to air conditioners, sometimes less is more. This is certainly true of meal sizes, lottery winnings, and discounts.

One ton of cooling is the rate of heat transfer needed to freeze 2,000 lbs – or one ton – of water in 24 hours. The word “tonnage” is used to describe the cooling capacity of an air conditioner. It’s the amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of one pound of water by one degree. One Btu is equivalent to the heat generated by a single birthday candle. Heating and air conditioning capacities are measured in British thermal units (Btu) per hour. You can also view our chart below with the numbers and their corresponding tonnage. Divide the number by 12 (which represents 12,000 Btu/hr, or one ton of cooling capacity) to get your AC unit’s tonnage. The possibilities on residential units range from 18 to 60. Within this string of letters and numerals, you should find an even, two-digit number. Go outside to the condensing unit and look for a data plaque mounted to the side. The easiest place to look is on the AC unit itself. Is it time to replace your AC unit? Find out the tonnage of your current system to give you a place to start while shopping for a replacement.