Cast of movie i spit on your grave
Cast of movie i spit on your grave

cast of movie i spit on your grave cast of movie i spit on your grave

“However, with the level of graphic violence and horror available these days, it’s surprising that IFCO sees this 1978 film as more offensive than some of the most daring and empty-of-content torture porn available today.” “It has relentlessly continued to shock and offend audiences since 1978 when it was first released, and it still does to this date. Mr Zarchi commented: “It doesn’t surprise me that Ireland have decided to ban the film. The reason given for declining to issue a certificate for the DVD, was the depiction of “acts of gross violence and cruelty towards humans”. The body, formerly the Irish Film Censor’s Office, has, in recent years, been reluctant to ban films outright, so this must be viewed as an unusual move. The MPAA came back and said “look, you’ve got an NC-17 movie, but we don’t recommend that you cut it down because we feel like it’s really impactful.” They then decided against editing the film and released it as Unrated so it could play in more theaters.THE IRISH Film Classification Office has banned the DVD re-release of Meir Zarchi’s notorious 1978 horror film I Spit on Your Grave. Monroe, the studio submitted an uncut version of the film to the MPAA to see if by chance they would get an R rating. From IMDb: “According to director Steven R. The innovation of some of the things she does are pretty over the top but they add a little more intrigue to her vengeful actions.Įither way, the name of the movie is pretty bad ass, so I’ll give credit to the original and Meri Zarchi. It doesn’t really make that much sense that Jennifer (Sarah Butler) is able to put together these detailed and elaborate scenarios as the only thing we know about her is that she is a reclusive writer. The death and torture scenes were more elaborate than was probably necessary but that fits right in with around the time the movie came out. You do eventually get the satisfaction of all of the participating men getting what they duly deserve but by that point, you’re a little desensitized by everything that had taken place before it. I understand that they want to have the revenge plot of the 2nd half of the movie be a big payoff for the atrocities that the woman was put through but my God, it just feels wrong to even pretend that this is entertainment. They could have gotten the same emotional response from an audience if only 1/10th of that had been shown or even if there was potentially flashbacks of certain things that occurred rather than having it play out at a snail’s pace.

cast of movie i spit on your grave

The depiction of the sexual assault by five men on a helpless woman goes on for what seems like an eternity. The first half of the movie is almost unwatchable. This updated version of the movie resembles the stylized gory horror films from the early 2000’s to the 2010’s. She eventually seeks out her revenge on her abusers in her own horrific fashion. The story revolves around a woman who is brutalized by a group of men and is then left for dead. I Spit on Your Grave is a re-make of the 1978 horror movie of the same name.

Cast of movie i spit on your grave